Friday, January 11, 2008

Mr. Precious

"Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to build the world's first precious man. Noel will be that man. Better than he was before. Better, stronger, faster."

Birthday boy

He broke his promise and did not remain my little boy. My baby is now a big whopping 6!! Add 10 more years to that and it spells nothing but trouble.
We took him out to Chuck E. Cheese for games, pizza, cake and lots of presents. He had a really fun time. He was a little intimidated/shy with Chuck E.
He made me laugh because after giving him his cake he started complaining of a stomach ache. He started to cry and hold his belly. I told Dad to take him to the bathroom.
I looked over at his cake and he had scraped all the frosting off and eaten it. He just left the bread. He came back from the bathroom feeling better. He didn't throw up but I think his little body must have gone into SUGAR SHOCK. hahaha

Here he is with a missing tooth. He lost it right after Christmas. He was eating fries and it just popped out. No blood, no pain. In fact the top of his new tooth was already poking thru. He is proud to have another wiggly tooth right next to this one. He was expecting a quarter from the tooth fairy but he got a dollar. My motto: The better the tooth, the more money. Any cavities or bad teeth will only get you change.