No costume for Josh. I told him he was to old to trick or treat. He didn't argue about it, he spent the night skating around the neighborhood with his friends. Tita thought I was wrong for not letting him trick or treat. I understand she still sees him as a baby. haha. I just didn't want him to be one of those kids that I complain about. The kids who are probably old enough to get jobs after school and pay for as much candy as they want. Then there are the kids who aren't even dressed. Oh and my favorite, the people who show up with babies in strollers. The babies aren't even walking yet and the parent comes up to the door with the halloween bag. I always want to ask "does that baby even have teeth, are you really going to let them eat candy?"
Come on people, halloween is for the children and the witches like me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey mom, remember when you would take us to the "rich" neighborhoods to trick or treat.
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