Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Possum Kingdom

Our favorite and so far only place we camp. Larry took me here for the first time in the fall of 1996. Back then I was such a city girl, I use to take my makeup, perfume, hairdryer and uncomfortable shoes. I remember jumping on the picnic table with Josh(he was a baby) because a racoon walked up to the campsite. That night the racoons got into Joshs playpen. I was horrified of the bugs and didnt like going to the bathrooms by myself at night. I was also pretty scared of the lake. Something about being in the middle of a large body of water. Yes, even in a boat. I tried not to think of the things lurking in the water that could possibly "attack me". I've seen lots of deer, cardinals, racoons, a tarantula(I got a couple of gray hairs out of that one), we also saw a fox once. We saw a jackrabbit awhile back, turtles, an armadillo. And that's not counting the insects.
I have come to appreciate nature a little more now. We love this place. It's a wide open place, its calm and very beautiful. We camp at the same spot every time. We've gotten to writing our names and date under the rooftop of the picnic area. There's quite a bit of dates on there now.
This last time we camped I didn't take any makeup and had my hair in a ponytail the whole time. In fact I forgot the soap and shampoo. We probably all smelled like aged cheese when we got back but we had loads of fun. And that's what counts.
Our favorite things to do there are walking along the shoreline, a little fishing(the kids, actually me don't sit still very long) hiking, relaxing, the guys play frisbee. Josh is learning to steer the boat and Sam loves climbing the big rock at our camp site.
In case Larry sees this, I will admit to not being a total nature lover. A good example would be this past Saturday as we were walking along the shoreline. We found this big, flat, round rock that we thought would go nicely in the turtle tank. As Larry picked up the rock on one end, this mouse ran out. The way Larry describes it, the mouse and I looked at each other, screamed and ran in opposite directions. I almost ran the kids over, trying to get out of there.
I'm starting to think Mother Nature is not female!!!

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