My children are going to be mean to me when or if I get old. They are going to point these pictures out to me and extract their revenge. Tita, tell Noel to not let the kids hurt me. Hahaha
Josh was 7 years old in this picture. He was loosing teeth left and right. He's so cute here. He still had that little boy look. Now it's all about his girlfriend, his xbox, torturing his little brother and his friends. Sigh.
I cant believe how different he looks now and then he looks so little.
I cant believe how different he looks now and then he looks so little.
Josh you are still a cutie even without your teeth. When you get old you will look like this again just add wrinkles and grey hair! HEEHeehee
He smiles like Isaiah did when he was that age. How finny r they related. lol. u r very handsome red neck
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