Thursday, July 5, 2007

Happy Fourth of July

God Bless America

God bless America. Land that I love.Stand beside her, and guide her,Through the night with the light from above.

From the mountains, to the prairies,To the ocean, white with foam.God bless America! My home, sweet home,God bless America! My home, sweet home.

Here are a couple of pictures I took when we went to the Ft. Worth Cats game. They had a firework display on that day. The baseball team lost but the kids enjoyed the fireworks. Josh is starting to not mind the loud boom that the fireworks make. He still does cover his ears at the end when the finale of fireworks is going on. It's cute to hear all the ooh's and aahh's they make. I remember doing the same thing as a kid. Sam stays pretty quite, just watching all the bursts of colors. We don't do much to celebrate the fourth. We don't go to the parade. It's so crowded down- town. It's usually to hot, this year it rained. We don't do the big cookout. That's where I do miss having my family around. One day. I tell Larry one day when all our kids our grown with their own kids, our house will be full of love.


Anonymous said...

The boys really look big in this pic especially Josh

Anonymous said...

very hand some i say. We went to mexico for 4th. I hope you had fun. I still don't like fireworks. Dont feel bad my kids go (sneak) to Titas to pop fire crackers. I tell them they r the devil. I cant stand baloons either. they scare me. i dont like surprises.