Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Me and my people

Here I am with my friends Jean and Mary. We went out for mine and Jeans birthdays. We ended up at Main Event for some bowling and arcade games.

I'll spare you all the details but I suck at bowling. I really do. I won the first game and by the final game, came in last. Maybe it was the two double shots of crown and coke. Nah, I'll blame it on the lane. It hooked to the left right about a foot in front of the pins. It was a bad lane. Yeah, that's it.

After bowling we went to play video games. I rule at ice hockey. Or maybe it was just luck! This picture was the best of maybe 8. We squeezed ourselves into those tiny photo booths. The first 4 pictures I came out with the same expression because I was laughing the whole time.(remember,crown and coke)I had to fit my tiny bottom on Jean and Marys lap, while trying to be up high enough for the camera. But, this is us, in all our glory. heehee

Here's to being 30!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

To Felisa, the baby

Smiling because your my sister, laughing because you can't do anything about it!!!!

I don't know how old you are here. I know that is our cousin Danny and sister Veronica next to you.

The back of the picture says,

"Here she is getting mad because she wants to get down. Or maybe because she wants to come out on the picture by herself".


The talent doesn't stop here..

Everytime I see this picture it reminds me of myself. Scary, yeah, I agree. I remember being just like Josh in front of a camera. No one could get just a regular smile from me.

This picture was taken when we went camping May of 2006.

We also tried to get Sam to cross his eyes. Poor guy he can't do it yet. He thinks he's doing it.

I admit to having this talent. It's a good one when you're trying to make the kids laugh. Larry on the other hand can't do it. He says we're the abnormal ones. We're the freaks. Secretly I know he wishes he could. haha

Childhood is the most beautiful of all life's seasons. ~Author Unknown

I will also admit to teaching the kids some if not most of their bad habits. Not eating right when Larry is out of town. Shhh, don't tell him but last night for dinner we had ice cream cake. There's milk in ice cream, right?! I've heard Sam tell the other drivers on the road to hurry up or get out of the way. Everyone knows how patient I am when it comes to driving. (wink-wink) I think those are my worst habits but I'm sure Larry could and would tell you more.

If boys marry women who are like their mothers, I feel sorry for my boys. heehee

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Time Flies

Well this summer is not what I expected it to be. It's had it ups and down. I am going to update this blog a little more frequently now but it may not be in order. Some of my pictures and memories are mixed up so as I find them I will post them.

Here is a fun picture of my "Hercules". Having Noel staying here was fun and very tiring. He has more energy than all my kids put together. The kids loved having him here. Sam is so aggressive now. He loves to jump, kick and punch Noel anytime he gets near him. He punches Noel on the chest as hard as he can. He tries to bully him. It's really funny to watch. As soon as Noel lays on the floor Sam tries all his wrestling moves on him. Josh liked going to the rec with Noel. They tried to play basketball like they were on the dream team. haha

Larry was astonished day after day as to how much Noel could eat. To bad Noel is not related to someone who owns a cattle farm. Beef..it's what's for dinner, and lunch, and snack and breakfast. The chick-fil-a cows do not like Noel. We're hoping he marries a woman who likes to cook.

Me, I liked playing Mom to him. He reminds me alot of his mama.

God blessed her when he gave her Noel.