Tuesday, September 11, 2007

May we never forget...

I never understood people when they would say "I remember that moment exactly". People talk about being in a certain place, doing a certain thing when events such as the president being shot or a favorite celebrity dieing happens.

I now know. I will forever have Sept. 11 engrained in my mind. Forever in my memories.

I was 5 months pregnant. I had shuffled everyone out the door. Larry was heading to work after he dropped Josh off at school. Danny was on the bus already. I was getting ready for some peace and quiet. The phone rang and it was Larry asking me if I was watching the news. I turned the tv on and they were showing the smoke coming from the first tower. The newscast people on the Today show kept wondering what had happened. What could have possible gone wrong that this plane would accidently fly into a building.

Larry had said he was listening to the radio. One of the guys on the radio made the comment of "are we being attacked"? At this point no one knew anything. I kept watching in horror and despair thinking about the people in the building.

I sat there mesmorized to the tv. I prayed for the people in the planes and in the building. I wondered for a moment, why did I get pregnant, what kind of world would I be bringing this baby into?

Larry came home from work and we sat and watched tv all night. Not having much to say.

The next few days were eerie. We live under a flight path to a small airport. All planes had been grounded and it was so quiet. A noise we had gotten use to and complained about was gone.

I will also never forget because that is the reason Randy missed the first year of his daughters life. The reason so many prayers went out for him. The reason we know what the sacrifice of a soldier really is.

I will never forget.


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