Monday, April 30, 2007


Sigh. Some girl tried to break my babys heart. Josh went to the rec center on Saturday. Every Saturday they have a lock-in for the 3rd thru 8th graders. They have a dj, games, bounce houses, food, full use of the basketball gym and contests. All kinds of stuff. Last year Josh went a couple of times but didn't like it much because of kids that were being mean. This year a lot of his friends go, so he has more people to hang out with.

Lately he goes every other week. His girlfriend(I use the term loosely)Sierra goes every weekend. When I went to pick him up on Saturday he was sitting against the wall in the gym by himself. On the way home I asked what was wrong. He said he was sitting there because he was bored. I told him he should have just called, the rec center is two minutes away from our house. After further questioning(because I need to know everything, haha) he informed me that he and Sierra broke up. I tried to get details but all I got was "some girl was saying stuff". I tried to let him know that at this age girls can be very silly. I told him when he gets to middle school he would probably meet someone else. That there would be even more girls chasing him down(I mean that literally, they run after him on the playground). I told him to just leave Sierra alone. Not to talk to her, if she wanted to be friends to say no(yes, I am spiteful) and to talk to other girls. As I was putting him and Sam to bed, I could see he was very hurt and teary-eyed. I told him everything would be okay and things would look better in the morning.

Anybody know someone who can break a 5th graders kneecaps?! Just kidding!!!

Next morning he got up and said things do look better. He went to a friends house and played all day. He was a little hesitant about going to school but I told him again, everything would be okay. I'm sure by Monday afterschool he and Sierra will be back together again.

So I guess it begins. I don't like this part of life. Girls are nothing but trouble. Yes, I include myself. I tell Larry he must have been a really mean person in another life to end up with me. He agrees...sometimes.

The only thing I can do now, is pray for my boys. Pray they end up with someone who loves them as much as their momma does. Okay, that's a little creepy. I'll pray they end up with someone who will help them be the best person they can be.
Update: Love is in the air again. She wrote him a letter apologizing and wants to be together forever. Apparently he was hanging out with his friends and she felt ignored. Arrghh, females!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well come to think of it. there is this really tuff girl named .... nevermind God is in control. Where does she live... opps another slip up...
Thank God for forgiveness.

He is so handsome!!!!!! who would ever want to break up with him.