Monday, June 4, 2007

The Graduate

Here is Sam's picture on the big screen. Graduation day at Wee school was funny. All the 5 year olds who will be in kindergarten next school year had a small program.

Each of the four classes walked in and sat on stage. Then each class had a song to sing. After the song the microphone was passed to every child where they would say their name and what they wanted to be when they grow up. Kids are so cute. Some of their answers were so funny. There were lots of firemen, horse trainers, a ballerina, two trash men, vets, a chef, spongebob and a couple of moms.

Sam walked in with a shy but big smile on his face. He sat with his class on stage but squirmed around the whole time. Every time he saw us in the audience he would wave. He actually moved when he was singing the song. He has no dance skills, haha. When the microphone was passed to him he said "My name is Sam and I want to be Spiderman when I grow up".

There you have it, my son is going to be a hero. Now if he only learned to pick up after himself, feed himself and take a bath without fighting me about it, he will be my hero. Haha.

With Gods grace we will see him on stage again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

SPIDERMAN wow! everyones hero great job Sam!!!